Closure and Dispenser Assembly Lines

Typical Products
- Trigger Pumps
- Spray Pumps
- Feed Mechanisms
- Closures
Functional packaging is used in feeding and dosing of consumer goods such as food, medicines, cleaning products, personal care products and cosmetics. For example, the cleaning agents are sprayed with trigger pumps, dispensing pumps dispense medicines or fragrances, and feed mechanisms are needed for lipsticks or deodorant sticks, and even beverage closures often consist of several parts to be mounted. The conveying and dosing of these liquid or pasty substances partly carried out by complex functional packaging. They are produced as mass products in quantities of typically more than 10 million pieces per year on fully automated assembly systems.
Suppliers: Closure and Dispenser Assembly Lines
CB AUTOMATION division of Bettinelli F.lli. Spa Bagnolo Cremasco, Italy | |
Contexo GmbH, 73650 Winterbach, Germany | |
Cosberg S.p.A. | |
Dietz & Rollwa Automation GmbH, 76307 Karlsbad-Ittersbach, Germany | |
GEFTECH KFT, 2800 Tatabanya, Hungary | |
GH Développement | |
HAHN Automation Co. Ltd, 215321 Kunshan, China | |
HAHN Automation Inc. Hebron, USA | |
HighTaiX Meyreuil, France | |
Hoppmann B.V. Hengelo, Netherlands | |
Ilsemann Automation - Niederlassung der Heino Ilsemann GmbH Bremen, Germany | |
Jonas & Redmann Automationstechnik GmbH, 10553 Berlin, Germany | |
Lagniel SAS Douvres la Delivrande, France | |
Lanco Integrated GmbH & Co. KG, 73650 Winterbach, Germany | |
Lanco Integrated North America Westbrook, USA | |
LAS Lean Assembly Systems GmbH, 73547 Lorch-Weitmars, Germany | |
Mikron Industrial Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 201619 Shanghai, China | |
neyret Group & Société Guy Neyret | |
Norwalt Design, Inc. Randolph, USA | |
OPTIMA automation GmbH, 70736 Fellbach, Germany | |
Orwin International Crowther, Great Britain | |
OTS Assembly s.r.l. Rivalta, Italy | |
Püschel Automation GmbH & Co. KG, 58511 Lüdenscheid, Germany | |
Rudi Hutt Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, 73650 Winterbach, Germany | |
SCHULZ Systemtechnik GmbH Visbek, Germany | |
Shenzhen Shengxin Automation Equipment Co., Ltd., 518000 Shenzhen, China | |
Shibuya Hoppmann Corporation, VA 20109 Manassas, USA | |
SIM Automation GmbH, 37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany | |
SINTECO a Bucci Automations S.p.A. Division, 32013 Longarone, Italy | |
Suzhou Secote Precision Electronic Co., Ltd., 215168 Suzhou, China | |
TECMES S.r.l., 26010 Vaiano Cremasco, Italy | |
Velomat Assembly Automation S.r.l. Spoltore, Italy | |
ZBV-AUTOMATION GmbH, 53842 Troisdorf, Germany | |
Ziegler + Schenk GmbH & Co. KG, 73037 Göppingen, Germany | |
Équipement d’emballage MMC LTÉE |