- Compact Q-switched high power laser marking systems for system integration
- Wavelengths: 532 nm (green), 1064 nm (IR)
- Pulse energies (green): 0,18mJ @ 100kHz - 2mJ @ 1kHz
- Pulse energies (IR): 0, 05mJ @ 200 kHz - 1,1mJ @ 12kHz
- Modulation method for pulsed operation
- Supply unit (dimensions): 350 mm x 350 mm x 140 mm
- Marking head (dimensions): 325 mm x 160 mm x 134 mm
- Air Cooling
- Laser Class 4
Compact Laser Solutions (CLS) BLADE Series high-performance laser markers are diode-pumped Nd:YV04 air-cooled fiber lasers for building manual marking workstations as well as marking and processing stations with application-specific automation levels. Due to their high accuracy, the compact lasers are suitable, for example, for structuring, cutting and drilling of solar cells as well as medical technology products. In addition, freely programmable markings such as matrix and barcodes, plain text, serial numbers, high-quality graphics and logos are possible. In addition to marking, micro and nano-machining in high quality are possible. The green and infrared lasers of the BLADE series are also suitable for difficult materials such as wafers, printed circuit boards or glass. The pump laser module achieves a long service life of up to 100,000 hours. In Q-switched pulse mode, the modulation is from the single pulse to the maximum pulse rate. Applications with pulse frequencies up to 500 kHz are typical. The small dimensions of the marking head facilitate integration with limited installation space. Processing of difficult materials such as glass, printed circuit boards, wafers, diamonds and gemstones as well as plastic is a typical range of application. User industries are the glass industry, electronics, medical technology and automotive.